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Your Gateway To:

Hedera DeFiReal YieldsConcentrated Liquidity Efficient MarketsLow, Fixed FeesSelf-Custody Fair Order FlowGreener Pastures 

An open source and non-custodial crypto trading protocol on the Hedera network

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Total Value Locked


Trade Volume


Market Cap


Circulating SAUCE


Staked SAUCE


All Time Trades



Supported by


SaucerSwap is proudly partnered with the HBAR Foundation, an organization dedicated to helping builders and creators bring their ideas to market. The project is a grant recipient, which was awarded in July 2022 and served to incentivize liquidity on the Hedera network.

Supported by

The Hashgraph Association

SaucerSwap is proudly partnered with The Hashgraph Association, a non-profit organization committed to driving the broad adoption of Hedera-powered enterprise-grade solutions and decentralized applications. This collaboration has been crucial in supporting SaucerSwap's mission to innovate and deliver value to users within the Hedera ecosystem.

Audited by


SaucerSwap V1 and staking contracts have been audited by Hacken, a leading blockchain security company with an essential focus on auditing, crowdsourced security, pen-testing, monitoring, and analytics.

Audited by


SaucerSwap V2 contracts have been audited by Omniscia, a decentralized team of experienced smart contract auditors & developers with deep expertise building and securing complex decentralized networks and applications. Omniscia has protected over $65 billion in assets.


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